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Curso de Massagem Abhyanga Clássica. De 26 a 30 de Janeiro de 2023, Vale do Capão, Bahia!

Massagem Abhyanga é uma técnica antiga da Ayurveda, com oleação que dura em média 1 hora. Usamos óleo morno prensado a frio e essências, nutrindo, relaxando e lubrificando todo o corpo. Esses óleos, associados a movimentos específicos, estimulam os “marmas” (pontos vitais) e ajudam a equilibrar os três “doshas” constituintes do corpo - Kapha, Pitta e Vata – que correspondem ao tipo físico, energético e psicológico combinado em cada indivíduo.

Abhyanga é parte integrante da rotina diária recomendada por este sistema de cura para a saúde geral e bem-estar. Os textos ayurvédicos tradicionais são eloqüentes sobre os benefícios.

Abhyanga ajuda a focar em um dos órgãos mais importantes de eliminação e proteção: a pele. A pele absorve a maior parte do que colocamos nela - especialmente produtos cheios de ácidos graxos. Óleos mornos ajudam a lubrificar as camadas da pele, descendo até os sistemas orgânicos. Dependendo do dosha, eles podem exigir uma massagem mais rigorosa ou suave.

Os benefícios da massagem com óleo Abhyanga incluem:

Aumenta a circulação, especialmente para as terminações nervosas, o que ajuda a levar nutrientes e oxigênio para as células.

Ajuda a quebrar áreas estagnadas de toxinas ou tecido adiposo teimoso

Ajuda no movimento da linfa, estimulando a drenagem linfática.

Maior agilidade mental.

Acalma o sistema nervoso, que por sua vez pode reduzir o estresse e ansiedade.

Fortalece o cabelo e couro cabeludo ao nutrir a pele e os folículos capilares.

Previne e reduz a progressão do envelhecimento prematuro, ao trazer nutrientes e ajudando a tonificar os músculos.

Tonificação dos músculos e toda a fisiologia, estimula a força dos órgãos e aumenta a agni dos tecidos (dhatus) e da digestão, libera endorfinas, dopamina e serotonina, resultando em sensações de felicidade e relaxamento.


All courses are taught by Cristián Aguado, an Ayurveda therapist trained at Asho School of Ayurveda & Pancha Karma in Dharamsala - India.




Abhyanga or Classical Indian massage is the most basic of massages, such as massage for children, babies, pregnant women, the elderly, etc. It is part of an important Ayurvedic therapy called Snehana. It is a tool for health and also a form of affection, excellent for couples and the whole family.

Improves blood, lymphatic and subtle circulation. Increases and releases sexual energy. Nourishes and deeply relaxes. Revitalizes, rejuvenates. Balances the Vata dosha.

Reflexology is a treatment technique by means of stimuli in a reflex area and the study of the delimitations of these areas, as well as their functions and actions in the face of human pathologies. Through pressure received by the foot (or another part of the body) it can send signals that balance the nervous system or that release chemicals such as endorphins that reduce stress and pain. The course does not need prior knowledge.

FEEDS ction The Ayurvedic

We are a family owned and operated business.

"Without a good diet, no medicine is effective, with a good diet, no medicine is necessary."

Ancient Ayurvedic Proverb


Ayurvedic tradition considers food as an integral part of the healing, prevention and rejuvenation system.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Ayurveda realizes that the first root of all dysfunctions and illnesses and the presence of ama -bio-toxins- in our tissues. Such toxins are partially digested foods that remain in our body creating dysfunctions, until they reach the point of developing a disease. Therefore, it is essential for health to have adequate food for each person and healthy digestion.

We are a family owned and operated business.

The course aims to facilitate a process of food reeducation, with several practical and also theoretical classes, learning what is important and essential to take care of our food, balancing the doshas, ​​with tasty recipes and aligned to our current situation.



With this technique we will learn more than 100 different maneuvers depending mainly on the neuromuscular. This sequence given with fluidity spans two hours of massage. We will learn a beginning and an end in each part of the body, being possible to apply in a sectorized way, example: foot, legs, back, belly, arms, head, neck and face.

We are a family owned and operated business.

This technique works on the musculature where the stress of everyday life and the mental and emotional tensions that accumulate, but the effect of this massage is deeply relaxing and detoxifying.

We will also see the basics of anatomy necessary for the safe application of this massage.

We are a family owned and operated business.

In other words, we will learn a powerful therapeutic tool for health and care, giving and receiving massage during the entire course!




The word Marma comes from the Sanskrit and means a vital or fatal place. The first references are in Atharva Veda, approximately 5,000 years ago.

It is the mother of all therapies such as acupuncture, accu-pressure, adankals, shiatsu, among others.

Marma therapy has a character mainly of emotional release by unlocking key points where psychosomatic or neuro-muscular blocks are located, the benefits are at all physical, mental and emotional levels.

During the course we will delve into the concepts of doshas, sub doshas, srotas, dathu, as well as the location and correspondence of 107 Marmas or greater intersections of the channels through which life circulates.

In other words, we will learn to unlock the flow of life!



The Abhyanga Chakra is a massage that works with spiritual energy. Its purpose is to increase and balance the flow of this subtle energy, which brings benefits at all levels.

Chakra comes from the Sanskrit and means Wheel, Vortex and are the inputs and outputs of energy to which our bodies connect.

During the theoretical-practical classes we will learn how to diagnose and work with the chakras that are unbalanced.

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